When Evil Rises Against Us

The word evil or wickedness for that matter is rarely used these days. However there is evil and wickedness in the world. There are also principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places that wage war against mankind. The bible speaks of evil and wickedness from Genesis to the book of Revelations and gives us insight in how to deal with it. But what if you've never read the bible and you're in a battle against evil and wicked forces that have come against you, your life, your family and your home?
If you haven't read on these subjects here's a easy way to get started. Just visit blueletterbible.com and perform a word search on evil or wickedness. You could also perform word searches on other words like love, savior, Christ, salvation and many other words. It's fun and filled with wisdom.
Blessings in the love of Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

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