The Wilderness Transforms Character

Prophetic power captivates to such a degree that character problems can be obscured and overlooked. Christian history is stained with almost-prophets who shipwrecked their lives and ministries through egocentrism, emotional mismanagement, pernicious habits, wildfire appetites, unhealthy relationships, major doctrinal deviations, and so on.

We all come from Egypt, a place of sin slavery. We all need multiple deserts to get Egypt out of our psycho-emotional root system. Some of the most destructive people in all of Christianity are not false prophets, but true Christian prophets who are unwilling to declare war on personal sin patterns. They possess a measure of prophetic grace that draws followers, yet they wind up damaging those very followers through their dysfunctions. They leave many wounded in their wake, hurting prophecy's cause and credibility as well.

If you read David's psalms that he wrote while living in desert places, you will find him consistently mentioning personal sins, inner healing, breaking codependence, and so on. The wilderness transforms character! The time is fading fast when low character prophets are allowed to minister publicly. Churches are tightening their grip on who holds the mic, being led by the Spirit to place a higher premium on character quality and soundness.

Junior Desouza Ministries

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